RSE Rotiforme rims

Rotiform RSE Rotiforme rims


    • RSE Rotiforme rims
    • RSE Rotiforme rims


    RSE Rotiforme rims


    • Free shipping from €850,- *
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    • Article code: ROTRSESI

    1-3 weeks

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    • Free shipping From €850,-

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    Product description

    *Note: this is a price per piece. Rotiform RSE rims available in the following sizes:

    17X8 RSE IN WHITE SL 5.7 30 70

    RSE 17X8 4X100/4.5 70.1SL+40

    RSE 17X8 5X112/120 72.56 SL +35 BSL

    17X9 RSE IN WHITE SL 6.2 30 70

    RSE 17X9 5X112/120 72.56 SL +30

    17X8 RSE BLANK VD5.7 30 70

    17X9 RSE BLANK VD6.2 30 70

    18X8.5 RSE WHITE SL 6.1 35 70

    RSE 18X8.5 5X100/4.5 70.1 SL +35

    RSE 18X8.5 5X112/4.5 72.56 SL +45 BSL

    RSE 18X8.5 5X112/120 72.56 SL +35 BSL

    18X9.5 RSE WHITE SL 6.2 25 70

    RSE 18X9.5 5X112/120 72.56 SL +35 BSL

    RSE 18X9.5 5X4.5/120 72.56 SL +35

    18X8.5 RSE WHITE VD6.1 35 70

    RSE 18X8.5 5X100/4.5 70.1 VD +35

    RSE 18X8.5 5X112/4.5 72.56 VD +45 BSL

    RSE 18X8.5 5X112/120 72.56 VD +35 BSL

    18X9.5 RSE WHITE VD6.2 25 70

    RSE 18X9.5 5X100/4.5 70.1 VD+25

    RSE 18X9.5 5X112/120 72.56 VD +35 BSL

    RSE 18X9.5 5X4.5/120 72.56 VD +35

    19X10 RSE WHITE SL 6.5 25 70

    RSE 19X10 5X112/4.5 72.56 SL +35 BSL

    RSE 19X10 5X4.5/120 72.56 SL +40

    19X8.5 RSE WHITE SL 6.1 35 70

    RSE 19X8.5 5X112/4.5 72.56 SL +35 BSL

    RSE 19X8.5 5X112/4.5 72.56 SL +45 BSL

    RSE 19X8.5 5X4.5/120 72.56 SL +35

    19X10 RSE WHITE VD6.5 25 70

    RSE 19X10 5X4.5/120 72.56 VD+40

    19X8.5 RSE WHITE VD6.1 35 70

    RSE 19X8.5 5X112/4.5 72.56 VD +35 BSL

    RSE 19X8.5 5X112/4.5 72.56 VD +45 BSL

    RSE 19X8.5 5X4.5/120 72.56 VD +35

    20X10 RSE WHITE SL 6.4 25 70

    20X8.5 RSE WHITE SL 6.1 35 70

    20X10 RSE WHITE VD6.4 25 70

    RSE 20X10 5X112/4.5 72.56 VD +35 BSL

    20X8.5 RSE WHITE VD6.1 35 70


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